Project "Access from OEM Corridor to Burgas airport. Studies for connection between the railway infrastructure and Burgas Airport"
The Global project envisages design and build of a railway connection between Burgas Railway Station and Burgas Airport aiming to achievement of convenient and fast transportation of passengers and cargo between the railway station and the airport. Construction of a railway connection is envisaged using the maximum existing infrastructure along 8th and 86th railway lines Burgas - Vladimir Pavlov - Sarafovo and modernization of the alignment along the existing one-way, non-electrified railway line for operation of trains with a design speed of up to 80 km / h.
For the implementation of the project for construction of a railway connection between the Burgas Railway Station and Burgas Airport, preparatory activities are required, including preparation of a completed technical design, in accordance with the requirements of the European and national regulations, preparation of Detailed Development Plan (DDP) and preparation of documentation for land acquisition procedures necessary for the construction works in the next phase of project implementation, as well as preparation of all the necessary supporting documents for the purpose of application for financing of the subsequent construction activities.
CEF Transport financing: € 1 742 500,00
State budget(s): € 8 226 404,66
Other EU grants: € 44 873 793,09
(e.g. TEN-T, Marco Polo II, ESIF, FP7, H2020, etc.)
Total: € 54 842 697,75
The preparation of the technical design for construction of the connection between Burgas Railway Station and Burgas Airport, the elaboration of a Detailed Development Plan and all the supporting documents for assuring of construction works financing are important and integral part of the Global project’s implementation. This will enable the achievement of the objectives set by the NRIC Investment Strategy and in particular quantative:
- construction of the basic railway infrastructure between the Vladimir Pavlov Railway Station and the Burgas Airport, which provides the connection between the Burgas railway station and the Burgas Airport;
- improvement of the intermodal connections of Burgas Railway Station to the Core Trans-European Transport Network, in particular with Orient/East-Med CNC, thus facilitating passenger and freight transport between the air network and the railway transport, as well as achieving integration between these modes of transport;
- improvement of the transport conditions between Burgas railway station and Burgas Airport, which will helps increasing safety along the interconnection and will enables increasing the quantity of passengers and goods transported;
- improvement of the efficiency and safety of railway transport;
- creation of a new transport link for passengers and freights for the city of Burgas, that will permit to boost the economic growth of the Region of Burgas and to increase the occupation rates among the population;
- time saving and improvement of environmental conditions due to less usage of cars and trucks.
Stage 1 – Feasability study and Conceptual design are already completed. The proposed Action represents Stage 2 of the Global project implementation and required step to Stage 3 - Land acquisition procedures, building permit and construction.
Stage 3 covers :
- Construction of approximately 11 km single electrified railway line between Vladimir Pavlov railway station and Burgas Airport;
- 1 railway station and 2 railway stops along the railway track and 1 raiway stop at Burgas airport for the convenience of passengers;
- 2 pedestrian overpasses;
- 3 road overpasses;
- 1 railway underpass;
- 1 railway bridge;
- Signalling and telecommunication system.
Expected results
By completion of the proposed Action will be achieved full maturity for realization of the connection between the Burgas railway station and Burgas Airport, as well as maturity for CEF-2 financing.
The abovementioned issues addressed by the proposed Action (as a part of the Global project) secure the effectiveness of the European Added Value which results into bridging missing links, avoiding fragmentation, and bringing forth the potential of a border-free Europe.